Monthly Performance Report January 2021

January 2021: Performance Update

2021kickstarted in lackluster territory following a record 2020 with stocks and bonds, S&P 500 and Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate, respectively returning -1.01% and -0.72%. A closer examination points to large-cap stocks giving back some of the recent gains and longer-dated Treasuries selling off as yield spreads widened along the yield curve. However, the headline to start the year is categorically smaller cap stocks finally break free after years of disappointment gaining a positive return of 5% outperforming large-cap stocks by 6%. We are pleased to report a majority of Sowell’s main strategies and series outperformed, and in select cases posted positive returns, relative to the S&P 500 and Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate losses attributed to our strategic positioning.

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